
School tips for teens with cancer

As a teenager, school is probably a big part of your life, and your school friends might also be the ones you hang out with privately.

If your health allows it, it is often a good idea to stay in school to continue with a daily routine and be exposed to a lively environment. If this is not possible, a combination of homeschooling and hospital schooling might be possible to keep you from having to drop school altogether.


Be nice to yourself

You are going through something tremendously difficult. While it’s good to stay in school, don’t bend yourself backwards to keep your grades up. You need your energy to fight the cancer. Focus on your favorite subjects, seek support from your favorite teachers and generally enjoy being surrounded by your school friends.

Get an adjusted schedule

You and your parents can have a meeting with the school principal and see what accommodations that can be made to avoid your becoming exhausted by school. It might for instance be possible to drop a few classes to put more air in your schedule, or it might be possible to move things around and create a schedule where you have every Wednesday free from classes.

This article was last updated on: November 18, 2019